July 5, 2024
P.O.Box 613ER Gombilla House, Lamashegu Market, Tamale, Northern Region

TaTU members succeed in their demand for appointment of internal vice chancellor

The Unionized Associations of Tamale Technical University (TaTU), have succeeded in their demand for the appointment of an internal Vice Chancellor for the university less than 24 hours after issuing a strong statement.

TaTU comprises the Technical University Teachers Association of Ghana (TUTAG), Technical University Senior Administrators Association of Ghana (TUSAAG), Technical University Administrators Association of Ghana (TUAAG), and Technical University Workers Association of Ghana (TUWAG).

The unions made this demand at a press conference on Thursday, June 20, 2024.

TaTU demanded the appointment of a new Vice-Chancellor from within the institution, highlighting the unique expertise, dedication, and commitment of the university’s current professors.

In a press briefing on Thursday, June 20, 2024, TaTU members stated that the university’s own distinguished faculty members are best suited to lead, given their intimate understanding of the institution’s values, culture, and aspirations.

The Vice Chairman of TUTAG, TaTU chapter, Dr. Abdul Malik Bawah, in an interview with Channel One News, expressed their joy in having their demand yield results after a long period of internal advocacy.

According to him, the current Pro Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ibn Bashiru Ibrahim Imoro Saeed, has been appointed as the new VC for Tamale Technical University (TaTU), effective July 1, 2024.

Asked if their position for an internal appointment is not tribally motivated, he defended the unions’ call for an internal candidate for the Vice Chancellor position.

According to him, the university’s infrastructural development is mostly spearheaded by internal individuals appointed as VCs.

On his part, Mutawakilu Mohammed, TUSAAG Chairman of TaTU, appealed to the newly appointed VC to endeavour to give the university a facelift both physically and digitally.

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