July 8, 2024
P.O.Box 613ER Gombilla House, Lamashegu Market, Tamale, Northern Region
Agriculture Business Local Business

Galamsey, smuggling and bad weather slash Ghana’s cocoa revenue by $500m

Illegal mining activities, unfavourable weather conditions, the swollen shoot virus.

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Agriculture Business Local Business Local News

Syndicated loan drags, Ghana borrows up to $200 million from cocoa traders to plug funding gap

Ghana’s Cocobod is facing delays in securing its usual syndicated.

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Finance Ministry, BoG set up financial oversight desk at COCOBOD

Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta confirmed to Joy News the establishment.

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Agriculture Business Local Business Local News

Cocoa farmers disappointed over discontinued road projects

A group calling itself the Concerned Farmers Association is complaining.

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