July 2, 2024
P.O.Box 613ER Gombilla House, Lamashegu Market, Tamale, Northern Region

Sagnarigu NDC PC, Attah Issah donates cash to TaTU students

Sagnarigu NDC parliamentary candidate, Attah Issah has donated an undisclosed amount of money in support of students of the accounting department of Tamale Technical University.

He made the donation yesterday and promised to equip the department with the laptop when given the nod to lead the people of Sagnarigu in 2024.

1. He was invited as the guest speaker by the: Association of Tamale University Accounting Students (ATUAS) as their Special Guest speaker.

2. In his brief statement, Hon Attah Issah advised the student to take their studies seriously bearing in mind that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. He cited himself as an example of hard work, dedication and passion for achieving his goals.

3. He advised the students against the abuse of drugs which has become the order of the day especially in northern Ghana which is known for its moral high values.

He said parents must make it a serious obligation to beware of this recent development and work so hard to improve their duty of care for their wards. And that the students must assist their parents by avoiding peer group influence in all behaviours that do not conform with our culture.

He indicated that his achievement today wouldn’t have been possible if he had engaged in drug abuse and therefore the student must look at him as their role model and dare to become the youngest northern achievers.

He said from Business Senior High in Tamale as an accounting student just like them today, his dedication and discipline took him to the premier University in Ghana, Legon for His first degree in Economics and MBA, Finance and Accounting at the UPSA respectively and today he’s a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT, CERTIFIED STOCKBROKER, GHANA STOCK EXCHANGE, National Accountant of the largest opposition party NDC and now the PC for Sagnarigu Constituency. Despite all these successes chalked he still persuade further studies as a PHD STUDENT, at UG.

Credit: Suhuyini Yaa-Lana

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