July 5, 2024
P.O.Box 613ER Gombilla House, Lamashegu Market, Tamale, Northern Region

NDC retaining Sagnarigu seat for Atta Issah is a must ~ Borga pledges support

Former NDC parliamentary aspirant for the Sagnarigu Constituency, Dr. Abdul Majeed M. Alhassan popularly referred to as ‘Borga’ has vowed to work tirelessly to see the party’s 2024 Parliamentary Candidate elected in the December polls.

Dr. Abdul Majeed, during a visit to the constituency encouraged party supporters to throw their support behind the parliamentary candidate as the elections approach.

I am calling on all supporters of the NDC who look up to me to ensure they vote for Atta Issah in the December polls. It is our responsibility as party members to get him into parliament. He didn’t win because of anything, but because the party believed he was the right person to retain the seat for us, Mr. Majeed.

Let’s do this for love of the NDC. Let’s do it for him because that is how we would have wanted him and his team to do for us to win the elections. Now that he is the party’s candidate, we don’t have an option, but to vote for him. So when it is our turn tomorrow, we shall get the support too, he added.

Hon. Atta Issah with an overwhelming support from the party delegates at the primaries beat his contenders in the elections held in last year.

The incumbent Member of Parliament for area, Alhaji A. B. A. Fuseini polled 333 votes while his main contender Attah Issah polled 801 votes to emerge victorious.

Other aspirants in the race were Dr. Hamzah Abubakar who had 27 votes, Ahmed Yakubu with 120 votes, and Abdul Majid garnering 42 votes.

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