July 7, 2024
P.O.Box 613ER Gombilla House, Lamashegu Market, Tamale, Northern Region

GH¢220m allocation for Akosombo Dam spillage victims woefully inadequate – Kwame Agbodza

The Minority Chief Whip, Governs Kwame Agbodza, has described as ‘woefully inadequate’ the government’s GH¢220 million allocation to support victims of the Akosombo Dam spillage.

The government in the 2024 budget presented on Wednesday, November 15, earmarked GH¢220 million to aid relief efforts for communities impacted by the Akosombo Dam spillage floods.

The Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta said additional resources would be allocated through the Ministry of Agriculture to assist in the restoration of livelihoods.

But Mr Agbodza says the GH¢220 million allocation won’t be able to restore the lives of the victims.

“GH¢220 million, what is it supposed to do? Is it supposed to rebuild schools, and hospitals, resettle teachers, and key workers who have been displaced, and repair roads? What is it supposed to do? So that money is woefully inadequate to do anything,” he complained.

He, however, noted that if the allocation is mainly to provide relief, he doesn’t have a case, adding that “if it is supposed to be part of reconstruction, rehabilitation, and compensation, then, it is a drop in the ocean.”

Mr Agbodza also expressed concern about the failure of the 2024 budget to touch on the sea defense situation in the Volta region.

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