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Agenda 111: Mahama estimates $1.7bn needed to complete hospitals


President John Mahama says his administration will require $1.7 billion to complete all unfinished Agenda 111 hospital projects.

He said this at a meeting with the Christian Council adding that some of the few completed ones lack the needed infrastructure to operate.

“Now we need 1.7 billion US dollars to complete the Agenda 111 projects,” he explained.

During the gathering, he revealed that nearly 90 of the hospitals initiated under the previous government remain incomplete.

“The previous government started Agenda 111 but has not been able to finish the hospitals. There are so many of them unfinished. Even the ones they commissioned don’t have a single bed.

President Mahama suggested that religious organisations collaborate to support the completion of some of these stalled projects.

“If the missions have a hospital in an area, we are not coming to compete with the missions by building a hospital.”

“We will use the resources to improve the mission hospitals so that they can provide the service.”

He also proposed that “if some of the missions are interested, they could finish some of the hospitals and manage them.”

The President assured his commitment to completing the project to improve the healthcare of Ghanaians.

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